Saturday, January 30, 2010

what have you done for your King ?

Jesus spoke ...and said

it is not the healthy who need a doctor ...

but the sick

But go and learn what this means...'" I desire mercy....not sacrifice"

For I have not come to call the righteous...

but the sinners ...

These words were intended to impact our life....the words we speak , our actions in ALL we do in the world in which we live...and how we treat ALL of those we come in contact with...

Especially our enemies and those we do not like or agree with.....

Time and time again the very heart of God is crushed as He watches over His children as witness to their lack of mercy for others....

We whom are Seasoned Christians are Accountable ...."to whom much is given much will be required".....

We know the truth for it is given to us by the Holy Spirit who dwells within us...Sent by God not only to comfort us But to guide us into All Truth...

What is Truth...?

It is the Word of God that was made flesh and dwelt among us...

How do some say... Lo, I believe in the Christ........yet they forsake His Word.. For one can Not be separated from the other for they are One and the same....

I look out upon this vast expanse of people and see others tearing apart their Leaders, their peers and strangers alike and in the same breath they lay claim to salvation through Christ Jesus....

My soul grieves and I groan in the spirit, and in the wake of my tears I wonder how many lives are being lost to the Kingdom because of their total disregard for what God called us to do...

Jesus shed His Blood for All humanity..... He saved us so that through us others could witness His Great Love, Mercy and Forgiveness ....

What Good are you to God if your salvation saves only you ?

This is what Jesus did for SINNERS.... What are you doing this day for Sinners to honor your King ?

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