Monday, January 25, 2010

Better Times ahead...Ttestimony

So many times when we feel discouraged or downtrodden it can become so easy to feel lost, alone and on our own.....

But it is in those times when all else seems beyond hope and failure seems imminent....that if we sit still before God we will hear His Quiet, ever present, voice speak to us whispering words of Comfort and Love...

For it is never God who leaves us But we who leave Him......

I remember that long ago day when in an act of suicide I called out to God and said these words... "God I do not know if you are real but if you are I just flushed my life down the toilet and if you have any use for the wretched ugly person that I am you can have me".

It was at the moment I knew Jesus walked into my heart and filled me with his Holy Spirit.......and I went to sleep.....

I remember waking up in the hospital 27 hours later,...after what the doctors described as an overdose intended to kill a horse and after my family being told I would not make it because my kidneys were failing .... But God had other plans for me.....

You see I was done with "self' and I unknowingly had just offered myself as a living vessel to be used in any way God saw fit to share the Gospel of Christ.....and so it was then and it will be until my dying breath...

Now I can not say there have not been times when my flesh has not reared it's ugly head and had it's way with my mouth. You know, that unruly tongue full of deadly poison.. no man can tame that James warns us about in chapter 3...

But the Secret weapon.....? Continually staying immersed in the Word of God and praying for the Conviction of the Holy Spirit to prick your conscious at all times as to when you are displeasing your Heavenly Father.....

I encourage each of you reading these words, to KNOW that no matter how dark the storm , how great the obstacles, how sad, how lonely, or how angry you might be on this day in your life .... the Light of the Lord will Rise to shine in your soul and fill you with His Peace, His Mercy, His Forgiveness, His Long-suffering, His Joy, and His Love...for you are His child, His creation and He may not be finished with you yet and He certainly will not leave the job undone ...

For as Paul wrote to the Phillippians "that he which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ"

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